Culinary technique - Wecking

Wecking is an old technique that is being used again in today's vegetable kitchen.
There are many reasons to weck your fruit or vegetables:
The fact that wecking allows you to store the produce outside the fridge or freezer is also a big advantage in terms of space and energy consumption. The longer you eat from your own vegetable garden, the cheaper and more environmentally friendly it is. Food waste is also minimised if you have an easy way to preserve your vegetables via wecking.
The terms pickling and wecking are often mixed up. However, they are two methods of preserving food for a longer period of time. In pickling, you add a preservative. For instance sugar (jam or marmalade) vinegar (pickles, or in combination with sugar, sweet/sour) alcohol (liqueur) or oil (pesto).
Wecking is immersing for a certain time in a (weck) pan or weck kettle in designated jars. These can be special preserving jars, where you close a preserving jar with a rubber and a lid (and during preserving with clips) or suitable jars with screw caps.