We’re Smart® World Ambassador for Sustainable Development
In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs were formally adopted by the UN General Assembly with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Over the next 15 years, the 17 goals should form a plan of action to lift humanity out of poverty and put the planet back on a sustainable path. These goals, which are one and indivisible, reflect the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. This video gives a quick tour of the goals. Click on the image for a quick tour
The Belgian government has named We're Smart® World as one of the 2021 Voices for these goals. The jury of the SDG Voices acknowledged the (international) achievements of We’re Smart® World and its contribution to sustainable development. We’re Smart® sees it as an honour to hold this title of Belgian SDG Voice.
Food, health, ecology and sustainability are the pillars of We’re Smart®. We promote the sustainable production, trade and consumption of fruits and vegetables, at home, in the hospitality sector and amongst growers. As a “voice” on the SDGs, We’re Smart® informs and inspires chefs, organizations and companies to act. We see the Sustainable Development Goals as guiding principles and a tool for a for a better and smarter future.

We're Smart® supports all SDGs and in particular:
- Objective 3 - GOOD HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Ensure good health and promote well-being for all ages
- Objective 12 - RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
- Objective 2 - NO HUNGER - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
- Objective 17 - PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS - Strengthen the means if implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
What are SDG voices stands for by Simon Callewaert en Anneleen Malesevic
SDG Voices 2021
The UN General Assembly declared 2021 to be The International Year of Fruits & Vegetables. This confirms the healthy benefits of the consumption of fruit and vegetables, within the frame of the sustainable developments goals.
Be smart and join our (r)evolution for a smart and sustainable future. “Think vegetables, think fruits”.