We're Smart® World
DNA of We're Smart®
We’re Smart® World aims to bring together people and organisations that share a healthy, ecological and sustainable attitude, be it in the food sector or elsewhere. The goal is to learn from one another (“We’re”) and to support one another in the quest to help our communities develop more intelligent solutions (“Smart”) for our bodies, for nature and for the planet (“World”).
We're Smart® World is a unique player in providing guidance and developing solutions for a smarter future, based on a strong global network. We raise awareness among policy makers, food producers, the hospitality industry and consumers and form a powerful community of like-minded people. Our global network makes its knowledge and insights available to anyone who wants to be smarter. Whoever is looking for inspiration, help or support finds an ideal partner in We're Smart®. We recognise and reward products, organisations and individuals who pursue our ambition and help to realise it. Product development and innovation (in food; fruit and vegetables) is the last -but equally important- course of the We're Smart® menu.
Soul Story
Around the world, a new movement is rapidly gathering momentum. One founded on a belief in the power of food, not only to sustain our own bodies but to nourish our communities, our societies and our planet. At We’re Smart®, we’re devoted to unleashing that power. Championing the cause of healthy, ethical and sustainable eating. At every level of the food industry. In every corner of the globe. Together with chefs, restaurants, producers, distributors, retailers and regulators, we’re here to promote smart solutions. For ourselves, for future generations and for the wider world on which we all so fundamentally depend.
At We’re Smart®, we believe that any truly sustainable food culture must place fruit and vegetables centre stage. Which is why everything we do is aimed at fuelling the global plant-based movement and supporting those who drive it forward. From the We’re Smart® Awards that recognise the world’s best vegetables restaurants. To the yearly We’re Smart® Green Guide that ranks them from 1 to the highly prized 5 radishes. We help businesses get the most out of local, seasonal and sustainable produce. Guide food lovers on all 6 continents to where they are served with creativity and flair. And bring individuals and organisations together who share our vision on the future of food.
Building upon the international reputation of founder and renowned vegetables chef, Frank Fol, We’re Smart® combines the passion, creativity and expertise of stakeholders from across the food industry with the visibility, credibility and strength of a truly global network. All the key ingredients to push pure plant eating forward. Inspiring the world to think vegetables and think fruit. With a recipe that will guide us to a be!er world, today and tomorrow.
History & organisation
We're Smart® was created in 1989 by Frank Fol, The Vegetable Chef®. He is active worldwide as a consultant on healthy, balanced and plant-based nutrition (as much as possible but not systematically). For his philosophy "Think Vegetables! Think Fruit!®", he travels the world with his approach to the cuisine of tomorrow. Frank is also a member of the Worldchefs Feed the planet committee, Knight of the Order of Leopold II and UN Food Advocate of the World Food Programme.