We're Smart® Green Guide - Radishes and Radish leafs
We’re Smart® Radishes
We’re Smart® Radishes Culinary restaurants listed in the We’re Smart® Green Guide are given a rating of 1 to 5 radishes. This rating is based on a number of criteria including the degree of culinary creativity and surprising taste combinations. The number of radishes also gives an indication as to the proportion of fruit and vegetables used in the menus and various dishes, without necessarily targeting exclusively vegetarian or vegan restaurants. Efforts made with regards to health, ecology and sustainability are also taken into consideration, as is the way in which each restaurant communicates this information.

We’re Smart® Radish Leaves
Whether it be a small eater, chain restaurant or largescale kitchen that uses fruit and vegetables in delicious and healthy ways or a catering company that focuses on plant-based cuisine, a local producer who devotes extra care to protect their natural environment or some other organisation that has the We’re Smart® DNA, … they are all welcome members of the We’re Smart family. As such, they will be included in the We’re Smart® Radish Leaves and awarded the radish leaf symbol for their efforts. The principles behind the radish leaf are the same as those of the radishes but without the different rating “levels”.

We’re Smart® Pure Plant Choices
More and more vegetable restaurants have pure plant options or a pure plant menu available.
Some are pure plant by heart and there is no other choice. To make this clearer for you as a guest, we have come up with the We're Smart® Pure Plant symbol. Wherever the symbol appears, you can be sure that you can enjoy vegan food. Sometimes it is necessary to mention it when making a reservation.
All restaurants that offer Pure Plant choices.