We’re Smart® Innovation Center
The We're Smart Innovation Centre is located in Meldert/Hoegaarden. Besides the We're Smart® head office, it is also the place where product innovations with fruit and vegetables are developed.
Innovations that We're Smart® can write on its record include Légumaise®, Follade®, Smaakbom®, Prickles©, Carrot Fever©..
We’re Smart® Innovation Center
Claire Vellutstraat 1B 0701
3000 Leuven
Belgium - Europe

DEFINITION: Europeans are sauce eaters. It's within our genes, can’t do much about it. Usually, these sauces are unhealthy. But what if we could eat as much sauce as we’d like, without damaging our own body with it? And with that, also increase our vegetable percentage in a more tasty way? Well, then we’ve got just the right solution for you: légumaises! These delicacies with limited % rapeseed oil - one of the healthiest oils you can get, by the way - are made based on cooked vegetable mixes, each time with a distinct taste from the others. You can eat them cold, but you can also warm them up. It is not without reason that the "Space" légumaise Périgord received a 10+ during the tasting table of all astronauts / cosmonauts !! As of now, they do also exist in a BIO version! Are you interested?
Smaakbom® / Delibombe® / Tastebomb®
DEFINITION: Tastebomb® is a protected trademark of We're Smart® World, by Frank Fol. It stands for flavorFOL creations that has been developed according to the Think Vegetables! Think Fruit!® philosophy and which contains the following advantages:
- Tasty, healthy & full of character
- Regionally seasonal
- Fruits & vegetables in the lead, minimum 80%
- Natural colors - Without added flavor enhancers, sugars or preservatives
- Always with a Légumaise®, the healthy sauce
- Your daily vegetable flavor portion! A Tastebomb can represent a snack, a supplement to a meal or a full meal. Enjoy healthily while you can!

Follade® is a culinary creation insite of a glas or a cup, made in the unique cooking philosophy Think Vegetables! Think Fruits!® of Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef®.