We’re Smart® Innovation Center

The We're Smart Innovation Centre is located in Meldert/Hoegaarden. Besides the We're Smart® head office, it is also the place where product innovations with fruit and vegetables are developed. 

Innovations that We're Smart® can write on its record include Légumaise®, Follade®, Smaakbom®, Prickles©, Carrot Fever©..

We’re Smart® Innovation Center
Claire Vellutstraat 1B 0701
3000 Leuven
Belgium - Europe

We're Smart Innovation Center

Smaakbom® / Delibombe® / Tastebomb® 

DEFINITION: Tastebomb® is a protected trademark of We're Smart® World, by Frank Fol. It stands for flavorFOL creations that has been developed according to the Think Vegetables! Think Fruit!® philosophy and which contains the following advantages:

  • Tasty, healthy & full of character
  • Regionally seasonal
  • Fruits & vegetables in the lead, minimum 80%
  • Natural colors - Without added flavor enhancers, sugars or preservatives
  • Always with a Légumaise®, the healthy sauce
  • Your daily vegetable flavor portion! A Tastebomb can represent a snack, a supplement to a meal or a full meal. Enjoy healthily while you can!



Follade® is a culinary creation insite of a glas or a cup, made in the unique cooking philosophy Think Vegetables! Think Fruits!® of Frank Fol, The Vegetables Chef®.

