Kanaal Z and We're Smart World want to inspire entrepreneurs around sustainability with new program The Kitchen Table

Business broadcaster Kanaal Z has launched "The Kitchen Table" together with We're Smart® World, a program for and by entrepreneurs who are committed to sustainable initiatives. Every week, 10 leading leaders - the We're Smart® Heroes - sit down with presenter Ilse De Vis and Frank Fol, De Groentekok® and chairman of the We're Smart World organization, who are shaping the idea of sustainability and the circular economy around it.
In ‘The Kitchen Table’ we weekly search for inspiring stories from more than 40 Belgian companies around sustainability, the food of the future, innovation, logistics and its related industries.
We get to know sustainable initiatives and companies in and around the food world and see what we can learn from them or how they can inspire. We take a closer look at the value chain from ground to plate and from plate to ground.
10 We're Smart Heroes join us at the table for a convivial conversation about their experience, pitfalls, motivations, their own goals and their successes in the journey to a more sustainable existence. What are they doing for a better world? Who are their examples? What can we learn from sustainable initiatives and companies?

Alex Coene, Network Manager of Kanaal Z / Canal Z: "As an open channel with a generalist character, Kanaal Z wants to inform, signal and encourage entrepreneurship with specific tips and advice.
With "The Kitchen Table" we want to inspire and encourage entrepreneurs to start their own sustainable business. We are therefore proud that we can launch this new program together with our partners.”
Frank Fol, Chairman We're Smart®: "With The Kitchen Table, We're Smart® World wants to strongly express its DNA and mission: to bring together people, initiatives and companies (We're) who are working in a healthy, ecological and sustainable way, both in the food sector and beyond. The intention is to learn from each other and strengthen each other with the sole purpose of moving our society towards smarter (Smart) solutions for our bodies, nature and the world (World)."
The Kitchen Table is an initiative of We're Smart World and Kanaal Z/ Canal Z and is realized in collaboration with sustainable partners Dovy, city of Roeselare, Brussels Region, Conhexa, Miele, Herwin, Ekomenu, Schenk Wines.
From 27 November during 10 weekends on Kanaal Z.
Kanaal Z and Canal Z are the only business channels in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels to bring you the most specialized and varied offering on business, economics and money. Kanaal Z and Canal Z reach an average of 399,816 viewers daily and 1,357,980 viewers on a weekly basis (source CIM audimetrics by Transfer).
Watch the first episode of season 2 or all episodes of season 1
Alex Coene
Network Manager Kanaal Z / Canal Z
+32 475 34 00 68
Frank Fol
Chairman We’re Smart® World
+32 475 97 34 41