We’re Smart® Pure Plants Untouchables
The highest achievement for a vegetable chef is the We're Smart recognition from Untouchable. But what does this mean for you and for the chef involved?
For you as a We're Smart guest:
A We're Smart Untouchable is the pinnacle within the World's Best Vegetable Restaurants. Becoming Untouchable is only possible if the restaurant have been ranked No 1 Best Vegetable Restaurant in the World for 2 consecutive years. These restaurants hover above the We're Smart TOP100 as culinary pure plant wizards/pioneers. A passage in their restaurant or other culinary activities is always an exceptional pure plant experience that you will look back on for years to come.
For the We're Smart Untouchables:
This rating is the highest recognition for chefs who focus on pure plant. This recognition is lifelong. An Untouchable also has a responsibility, which is to help spread the message of pure plant by actively communicating with We're Smart, hosting workshops at international events and participating in debates and conferences. Also, the We're Smart Untouchable gets a place in the "council of wise men" of We're Smart World, where they help guide the project with their strong knowledge and experience within the We're Smart movement.

In 2018 and 2019 Xavier Pellicer was 2 times in a row nr.1 in the TOP 100.

In 2020 and 2021 René Mathieu was 2 times in a row nr.1 in the TOP 100.

In 2022 and 2023 Emile van der Staak was 2 times in a row nr.1 in the TOP 100.