We proudly present to you, with great enthusiasm, “WILD COOKING” cookbooks! Unique online cookbooks with undiscovered culinary gems for your next meal.
Everything revolves around an original flavour- and taste experience for just the right atmosphere. This all in combination with an artisan passion and innovative vegetable cooking.
Together with the right local partners and products, who are always looking for that little bit more, are challenging and have top quality as a basis to make the difference, we have created the “wild” recipes.
The recipes of Frank Fol, on the plates of Wild Moon. Together we’ll assure you will create the most perfect, unique mix that you could’ve ever imagined at home…
Recipes by Frank, Plates by Ilse.
Ilse & Frank have been a strong team for several years now.
Their culinary television program “Z-Mastercooks” on Kanaal Z is one of the most-watched programs on the platform, and Ilse is also the regular host and presenter in Franks project – We’re Smart® World.
The combination of Ilse’s passion to design ceramics and Frank’s belief to be creative with vegetables, formed the solid foundation and was a small step towards creating a surprising “wild” cookbook all together! By offering this booklet in English, offering it internationally by our partners, we hope to contribute to the movement of returning to the essential parts of cooking.
More artisanal and more healthy and balanced seasonal cuisine.
Food as medicine!