Recipes episode 9: with guest Serge de Gheldere
Baked celeriac sticks, turmeric, elderberry coulis, lemon thyme
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 400 g Celeriac
- Turmeric powder
- Elderberry syrup
- A few sprigs of lemon thyme
- Rapeseed oil
- Black pepper, sea salt
Peel the celeriac and cut into slices of about 1 cm. Then cut out equal bars.
Fry these gently on each side without colouring too much in a little rapeseed oil and season with sea salt, pepper, some finely chopped lemon thyme and turmeric powder.
Put some elderberry syrup on each plate and place the bars warm or cold on top.
Finish off with some turmeric powder on the plate and a sprig of lemon thyme as a garnish.

Sliced stewed cardoon, red beetroot juice, salad of watercress
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 2 branches of cardoons
- 1 cooked beetroot
- 1 dl beetroot juice
- 1 punnet of fresh watercress
- Rapeseed oil / Olive oil
- Piece of fresh ginger
- Black pepper, sea salt
Peel the cardoons and cut into slices. Fry gently without colouring in a little rapeseed oil and season well with salt and pepper, also add some pressed ginger. Now add the beetroot juice and cook until completely absorbed.
Cut the beetroot into bars.
Wash the watercress, cut and place a handful on each plate.
Add the warm cardoons, the bars of beetroot and drizzle some olive oil on the watercress.

Baked apples, vanilla, coconut yoghurt, dried cranberries
ingredients for 4 persons:
- Piece of dried vanilla stock or powder
- 4 Baked apples
- Rapeseed oil
- 150 g coconut yoghurt
- Sprig of fresh mint
- 60 g Dried cranberries
Peel the apples, cut into 6 and remove the core. Stew them in a pan with some rapeseed oil and dried vanilla powder. Turn over briefly so that they cook on both sides.
Place the baked apple wedges warm or cold on the plates and spoon the coconut yoghurt over it.
Finish with some mint and dried cranberries.