Recipes episode 7: with guest Sven Gatz
Baked ground chicory, smoked salt, paprika bacon, chervil
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 4 large to 8 smaller chicory stalks
- Smoked paprika salt
- 1 Red pepper
- A few sprigs of fresh chervil
- 150 g légumaise Provence l
- Olive oil
- Black pepper
Clean and wash the chicory stalks. Fry them in a pan with some olive oil and season with smoked paprika salt and pepper. When they are lightly coloured on both sides, turn down the heat and place a lid on them. Let them cook gently.
Cut the paprika into cubes.
Place a smear of légumaise Provence (hot or cold) on each plate.
Place the cooked endives on top and distribute some pepper pieces and fresh chervil over each plate.

Onion soup with Brussels beer, walnut, cress, fresh tarragon
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 4 large onions
- A dash of rapeseed oil
- Bottle of your choice of Brussels beer
- 40 g walnut
- Container of cress
- Mace
- Sprig of fresh tarragon
- Black pepper, sea salt
Peel, wash and finely chop the onions. Sauté with a little rapeseed oil until lightly coloured. Season with mace, black pepper and sea salt.
Now add ½ litre of water and the beer. Leave everything to cook for 10 minutes under cover. Blend into a fine soup and season if necessary.
Finely chop the pears and add to the soup.
Divide between the bowls and finish with pieces of walnut and cress.

Salad of clementine, white chocolate, aniseed, fennel, fresh dill
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 1 small fennel
- 8 clementines in segments
- Aniseed
- Piece of white chocolate
- Sprig of fresh dill
Press 2 clementines and save the juice in a bowl. Add some anise seeds and leave to marinate.
Now remove the peel from each remaining clementine with a sharp knife. Then take the segments out so that you only have the flesh. We add these to the juice.
Cut some fennel into small cubes and add them too.
Let everything marinate for a few minutes and then divide over the bowls.
Finish off with some grated white chocolate and dill pickles.