Recipes (Follades) episode 3: with guest Eva Verraes
Pear-fennel carpaccio, grapefruit, pistachio, goji berry & mint
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 2 ripe pears and fennel
- 1 Pink grapefruit
- 1 tablespoon pistachio nuts
- 2 tablespoons goji berries
- A few fresh mint leaves
- A drizzle of olive oil
- Black pepper & sea salt
Peel the pears, cut into 4 and remove the core. Then cut it into thin slices. Divide over the plates.
Wash the fennel and cut into a wafer-thin carpaccio. Add the juice of the pink grapefruit, some finely chopped mint, olive oil, black pepper and sea salt.
Mix well and leave to marinate for 10 minutes. Then divide over the pear.
Top the plates with the goji berries and some chopped pistachio nuts.

Kohlrabi ravioli, mix pimento, lentils & radicchio. Tarragon sauce
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 1 Large kohlrabi
- 1 Small red allspice
- 1 Small radicchio
- 80 gr green lentils
- A few sprigs of fresh tarragon
- Heavy drizzle of olive oil (sauce with cooked kohlrabi)
- Black pepper, sea salt
Peel the kohlrabi and use a "mandoline" (slicer) to cut wafer-thin slices. 2 to 3 per person. Blanch briefly (max 20 to 30 sec) in boiling water (they must be pliable without breaking), take them out and plunge them into cold water. Then drain and place on plastic foil. Save the cooking liquid for later.
Soak the lentils from the day before. Cook them with a piece of red allspice and some sea salt.
We will use the remaining kohlrabi in two ways. One part we cut into fine cubes and the rest we cook in cooking liquid.
Cut radicchio also into squares and mix with cooked lentils, kohlrabi cubes, olive oil and sea salt.
Sauce: mix some cooking liquid with the pieces of cooked kohlrabi, a dash of olive oil and some fresh tarragon to a green sauce.
Fill each ravioli kohlrabi with a spoonful of lentil mixture, place on plates and finish with the sauce.

Baked chestnut mushroom, Légumaise Perigord, grilled oat flakes
ingredients for 4 persons:
- 500 g medium-sized chestnut mushrooms
- 2 tablespoons oat flakes
- 150 g Légumaise Périgord
- Fresh thyme
- Watercress salad, olive oil
- Black pepper, sea salt
- Arqan argan oil
Cut the mushrooms into 4. Fry them brown in a dash of olive oil, season with some chopped fresh thyme, sea salt and black pepper.
Roast the oatmeal in a pan or under a grill.
Place the fried mushrooms in one half of the plates. Top with the oat flakes.
Place a spoonful of Légumaise Perigord and some watercress on each plate.
Finish with a few drops of argan oil.