Pancakes made from oats and buckwheat with sprout mix and pear syrup.
Ingredients (for 4 persons)
- 100 g oat root
- 25 g sprout mix
- 2 tbsp apple-pear syrup
- peanut oil
for the batter :
- 75 g buckwheat flour
- 1 small egg
- pinch of salt
- 150 ml milk
- 35 ml water
Preparation (time 30 minutes)
Peel the oats.
Batter : Sift the flour into a bowl. Add the salt. Make a well in the middle. Break it into the well and whisk until loose. Add the milk little by little and stir to a smooth batter without lumps. Mix in half of the grated oats. Keep the other half for the finishing touch. Drizzle the batter with water so that you get a thin layer on top of the batter. Cover the batter with cling film and let rest in the fridge for 1 hour. Stir the water into the batter and let rest for another 5 minutes. Heat some oil in a pan, place a ring about 10 cm in diameter in it and put the batter in it for 1 thick pancake. Repeat this 3 more times.
Mix the apple-pear syrup with a few drops of water.
Place the warm pancakes on plates and finish with some grated oat root, some syrup and the sprout mix.
Should it be difficult to get hold of oat root, use parsley root!
Used culinary technique