Frank Fol announced winners of the Plantbased StreedFood Battle - ChefsProVeggie
Streetfood battle prize-giving ceremony at Horeca expo.
In November, Chefs Pro Veggie challenged all chefs from the catering and wholesale industry to contest for the best street food recipe.
From the many inspiring recipe a professional jury chose 5 winners.
On 23 November, the 5 winners were announced and their recipes, bundled in a beautiful booklet, at Horeca expo.

After a brief introduction by Marisa (Verstegen), Frank Fol (The Vegetable Chef) did the honors for the award ceremony.
- winner category one-pan dish:
Steven Jacobs (Vac Leuven Flemish government) - winner category South America:
Laurence Van Cauter (Cultuurcafé De Grote Post) - winner category taste bomb:
Margaux Geeroms (What the food) - winner category finger food:
Floris De Wit (protest) - winner roast category:
Walter Debaetselier (UZ Gasthuisberg)
The winners each received a Wild Picking experience for 2, the Wild Cooking book by Frank Fol and a goody bag from our partners.
Download the Streetfood Battle recipe booklet
Discover the winning recipes here.